Adding Multiple Categories in Posts
To add categories in blog posts all you have to do is add a category key with category values in frontmatter of the post :
category: ['jekyll', 'guides', 'sample_category']
Then to render this category using link and pages. All we need to do is,
Create a new file with [your_category_name].md inside categories folder.
Copy categories/sample_category.md file and replace the content in [your_category_name].md in that. (Please don’t copy the code below its just sample, since it renders the jekyll syntax dynamically)
layout: page
title: Guides
permalink: /blog/categories/your_category_name/
<h5> Posts by Category : Adding Multiple Categories in Posts </h5>
<div class="card">
Using the category, all the posts associated with the category will be listed on http://localhost:4000/blog/categories/your_category_name